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Stewardship & Resource Management

August 23, 20243 min read

Stewardship & Resource Management: Faithfulness in the Small Things

Scripture: Luke 16:10 - “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”

When we think about stewardship, our minds often jump to finances—how we handle our money, make investments, and manage our resources. But true stewardship, especially from a biblical perspective, goes far beyond just financial management. It’s about being faithful with everything God has entrusted to us—our time, talents, relationships, and yes, our material resources.

The Principle of Faithfulness

Jesus’ words in Luke 16:10 cut straight to the heart of stewardship. Being faithful in the small things is a prerequisite for being entrusted with greater responsibilities. This principle isn’t just about money; it’s about character. It’s about cultivating a spirit of integrity, discipline, and responsibility in every area of our lives.

In our daily lives, this might look like being diligent in seemingly minor tasks—showing up on time, following through on commitments, and caring for what we have, no matter how modest. It’s easy to overlook these small things, but they are the very foundation of larger responsibilities.

The Legacy of J.C. Penney

James Cash Penney, the founder of J.C. Penney stores, is a remarkable example of this principle in action. Born in 1875, Penney was raised with strong Christian values and a deep understanding of the importance of stewardship. His father, a preacher and farmer, instilled in him the value of hard work and honesty.

Penney’s early life was filled with financial struggles, but he remained faithful in the small things. He started his career in retail with a humble job as a store clerk, where he demonstrated exceptional dedication and integrity. Over time, his commitment to excellence in even the smallest tasks led him to open his first store, which was built on the principle of the “Golden Rule”—treating customers as he would like to be treated.

J.C. Penney’s stores became synonymous with quality products, fair prices, and outstanding customer service, all rooted in his belief that good stewardship was essential not only in business but in life. His faithfulness in the small things laid the groundwork for a retail empire that would grow to hundreds of stores across the United States.

Applying Stewardship Today

In our modern context, stewardship means being mindful of how we manage all the resources God has given us. Whether it’s our time, finances, or the talents we possess, we are called to use them wisely and for God’s glory.

  • Time: Are we investing our time in activities that honor God and serve others? Are we managing our schedules in a way that reflects our priorities and values?

  • Talents: Are we using our God-given abilities to their fullest potential? Are we developing our skills and sharing them with others?

  • Resources: Are we managing our finances with integrity, generosity, and wisdom? Are we taking care of our possessions, no matter how small?

Faithfulness in stewardship isn’t always glamorous. It’s often the little things—the daily habits, the quiet moments of decision, the small acts of obedience—that shape us into leaders who can be trusted with more.

Conclusion: Building a Legacy of Stewardship

Just like J.C. Penney, we can build a legacy of stewardship by being faithful in the small things. Whether you’re leading a team, managing a business, or simply striving to live a life of integrity, remember that God values your faithfulness in the little things. It’s through these small acts of stewardship that we prove ourselves trustworthy, opening the door to greater opportunities and responsibilities.

As we reflect on Luke 16:10, let’s commit to being faithful stewards in every area of our lives. In doing so, we not only honor God but also set the stage for lasting impact in the world around us.

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Chip Nightingale

Chip Nightingale, a dynamic and experienced leader with a passion for transforming lives. As an executive, gifted speaker, author, entrepreneur, and Life & Leadership Coach, Chip brings a wealth of expertise to the table. His mission is clear: to guide individuals in unlocking their potential and understanding the intricacies of leadership. Chip's journey includes success in various domains, from spearheading start-ups to coaching high school and college sports. His commitment to volunteerism and church growth has left a lasting impact, while his role in fundraising showcases a unique ability to turn challenges into opportunities.

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